Media Coverage

Media Coverage Date Title


13 Nov. 2023

China's first Class 1.1 natural new drug approved! The annual demand for diabetic foot ulcers reaches RMB tens of billions, and many pharmaceutical companies are actively seeking collaboration opportunities

diaTribe Learn

3 Oct. 2023

New Cream Could Be Valuable Addition to Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment

The Star

8 Jul. 2023

Health Ministry approves the first natural products with therapeutic claims, says Health DG

Enterprise Asia

5 Jan. 2023

Oneness Biotech Co., Ltd.'s FESPIXON® Honored at the International Innovation Awards 2022

INF News

29 Sep. 2022 The first in the world!New drug for diabetic foot ulcer: research and development code "ON101"


16 Jul. 2022 Diabetes: Better Relief for Ulcerated Feet On the Horizon


9 Oct. 2021 How effective is a new macrophage-regulating drug for wound healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers?

Diabetes Self-management

7 Oct. 2021 New Topical Drug Helps Foot Ulcers Heal in Clinical Trial


10 Sep. 2021 Novel Diabetic Foot Ulcer Cream Shows Promise in Phase 3 Trial

Medical Dialogues

10 Sep. 2021 Topical Application Of Novel Drug Improved Healing In Patients With Diabetic Fool Ulcers: JAMA

2 minute medicine

8 Sep. 2021 Novel macrophage-regulating cream demonstrated superior therapeutic efficacy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers compared to standard absorbent dressing


7 Sep. 2021 A novel macrophage-regulating new drug has shown promise in treating diabetic foot ulcers according to the latest issue of article published by the JAMA Network Open

Podiatry Management

7 Sep. 2021 RE: Novel Macrophage-Regulating Drug-Effect on Wound Healing in Patients With DFUs 

Medpage Today

3 Sep. 2021 Topical Cream Effective Against Diabetic Foot Ulcers — Investigational compound regulates macrophages, is "active-healing alternative," researchers


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