We recognize that biodiversity is closely related to our business and the power of product innovation. Therefore, we value the protection and sustainable development of biodiversity. The chairman signed the Biodiversity Policy and released it to incorporate biodiversity into the Company's ESG strategy. Based on the policy, we support the principles of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), continue to protect biodiversity in our operations and supply chains, and adopt proactive measures to ensure that ecological protection is coordinated in all our activities.

Compliance with biodiversity-related laws and regulations
The operations of the Company, subsidiaries and suppliers comply with local laws and regulations. The planting locations of key herbal raw materials are all farmland that meets the regulations, and there is no deforestation or occupation of forest land for cultivation.
Avoid operating activities in biodiversity hotspots
The Nanchou Plant, subsidiary Cotton Field Organic Farm, and the planting areas where our incense raw materials are grown are located in environmentally sensitive areas. There are no nature reserves/reserve areas or important habitats for wild animals within 10 kilometers of the plant.
Conduct biodiversity risk assessments
The method of Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) was adopted for the assessment.
※The above content is taken from the ESG Report