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Oneness & Microbio (Shanghai) host an international press conference to present the pan-COVID new drug, SNS812 Phase 2 clinical trial results and future prospects
SNS812 Phase 2 study demonstrated statistical significance in treating COVID-19 based on its safety, precision and broad-spectrum efficacy.
The post hoc analysis of the global novel drug, Fespixon (ON101), on hard-to-heal diabetic foot ulcers has been published in Advances in Wound Care
The Company's security trading have reached threshold of mandatory disclosure of financial information per TPEx requirements
Oneness Biotech Co., Ltd. receives a Japanese patent titled "TOPICAL FORMULATION FOR PROMOTING WOUND HEALING" on Fespixon cream (Research code: ON101).
Oneness Biotech Co., Ltd. receives a Philippine patent titled "TOPICAL FORMULATION FOR PROMOTING WOUND HEALING" on Fespixon cream (Research code: ON101).
Announcement of change to the financial officer, accounting officer, acting spokesperson and corporate governance officer of the company.
Oneness announces the resolution of the Board of Directors on the Record Date of Capital Increase for the issuance of Restricted Employee Shares in 2023.
The Company's 2024Q2 consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors
Fespixon has passed the preliminary review by the National Healthcare Security Administration of China
Fespixon, the new drug in treatment of diabetic foot ulcers has been approved by Indonesia BPOM and the drug license will be collected
Announcement of the date of the Company's board of directors meeting for the Second Quarter of 2024 Consolidated Financial Reports
Fespixon has been included in CSE Expert consensus on wound treatment of diabetic foot ulcer (2024). The health economics analysis supports its cost-effectiveness.
The EU MDR application of Bonvadis for acute and chronic wounds and scar management has been accepted by EU Notified Body for QMS and product certification.
Oneness and Microbio (Shanghai) have entered into an exclusive agreement of Fespixon commercialization with China Resources Double Crane Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
如何使用IE找到Microsoft Edge?