Medical Subsidies for low-Income DFU Patients

Jun 2024


The low-income diabetic foot patients who wish to use FESPIXON® cream can have an access to free medication via the medical subsidies program. With this program, it is hoped that the access of medication will be able to promote the healing of foot ulcer of those patients and thereby to reduce amputation and prevent disability.


Eligibility of Applicant

Diabetic foot patients who have been registered low-income households with the county and city governments and have been diagnosed by the attending physicians and prescribed to use FESPIXON® cream can apply for medical subsidies.


Application Procedure
  1. The application of FESPIXON® cream medical subsidies can be filed to the Oneness Biotech PSR by the attending physician via writing, or email. Medical subsidies will be granted after the eligibility assessment completes.
  2. The following documents shall be enclosed along with the application:
    1. (1) Application form for subsidy for low-income diabetic foot patients using FESPIXON® cream (Appendix 1)
    2. (2) Certificate of diagnosis issued by the medical institution
    3. (3) Summary of medical records
    4. (4) Personal Information Protection Act Notification and Consent Form (Appendix 2)
    5. (5) Low income household certificate issued by the local government
    6. (6) Consent for sharing cases of diabetic foot ulcer treatment experience (Appendix 3)
  3. Contact window:
    1. (1) Oneness Biotech Co., Ltd.:
  4. The application will be reviewed upon documents through defined sprocedures by Oneness Biotech.
  5. The patients can receive the medication at the pharmacy according to the prescription after approval with quantity of FESPIXON® cream.



  1. Information of medical subsidies for low-income diabetic foot patients
  2. Appendix 1- Application form for subsidy for low-income diabetic foot patients using FESPIXON® cream
  3. Appendix 2 - Personal Information Protection Act Notification and Consent Form
  4. Appendix 3 - Consent for sharing cases of diabetic foot ulcer treatment experience


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