Research Publication/ Abstract




Journal Publication Date Type Title

The Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery

19 June 2024 Publication Efficacy of ON101 cream, a Topical Macrophage-Regulating Cream, against Chronic Burn Wounds—A Case Report and Literature Review

Case Reports in Clinical Medicine

28 May 2024 Publication ON101 Cream Increases the Wound Healing Rate in Diabetic Patients with Uremia—Cases Report

JAMA Network Open

13 Jan. 2023 Publication Cost-effectiveness of Novel Macrophage-Regulating Treatment for Wound Healing in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcers From the Taiwan Health Care Sector Perspective

Aesthetic Surgery Journal

10 Jan. 2023

Publication Validation of Fespixon in Postoperative Scar Cosmesis Using Quantitative Digital Photography Analysis 

Annals of Case Reports

28 Dec. 2022  Publication Macrophage-Regulating Drug Treatment Promotes Tissue Proliferation in a Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patient with Exposed Anterior Tibialis Tendon - A Case Report


27 Sep. 2022 Publication New Horizons of Macrophage Immunomodulation in the Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

JID Innovations

1 Jun. 2022 Publication Restoring Pro-healing/remodeling- associated M2a/c Macrophages using ON101 Accelerates Diabetic Wound Healing

JAMA Network Open

3 Sep. 2021 Publication Effect of a Novel Macrophage-Regulating Drug on Wound Healing in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Frontiers in  Pharmacology

28 May 2019 Publication Extract From Plectranthus amboinicus Inhibit Maturation and Release of Interleukin 1β Through Inhibition of NF-κB Nuclear Translocation and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine

30 May 2012 Publication Plectranthus Amboinicus and Centella Asiatica Cream for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Conference Publication Date Type Title

SAWC Spring 2024

14 May 2024 Poster Presentation Optimizing Wound Bed and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing with Proprietary Natural Herbal Cream - A Case Series in the US
The Clinical Practice of a Proprietary Natural Herbal Cream in Limb Salvage of a Patient with Multiple Co-morbidities: A Case Report

EADV Congress 2023

11 October 2023 Poster Presentation Protection Effect of Macrophage-Regulation Drug for Acute Radiation Dermatitis (ARD):From Preclinical Pharmacology to Real-World Proof-of-Concept Study

EASD Annual Meeting 2023

3 Oct. 2023 Oral Presentation Effect of macrophage-regulating new drug in treatment of diabetic foot ulcers- From phase 3 MRCT to real-world

ADA Annual Meeting 2023

24 Jun. 2023 Oral Presentation 100-OR A novel macrophage-regulation new drug in treating diabetic foot ulcer-a phase III MRCT study and Taiwan experience.

ISPOR 2023

10 May 2023 Poster Presentation Economic Value of a Novel Macrophage-Regulating Treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcers from a Healthcare Sector Perspective

ISDF 2023

10 May 2023 Poster Presentation 324-Wound Healing Risk Factors - A Phase 3 RCT Post-hoc Analysis of a Novel Macrophage-regulating Drug.
323-The Value of a Novel Macrophage-Regulating Drug for Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
321-Effect of a Macrophage-regulating New Drug in Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: from Phase 3 RCT to Real-world RCT Post-hoc Analysis of a Novel Macrophage-regulating Drug.

EWMA 2023

5 May 2023 Oral Presentation A novel macrophage-regulating drug promotes diabetic foot ulcers healing - Phase 3 MRCT study and post-hoc analysis
A Macrophage-regulating Cream on Wound Healing in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
(View Abstract: Page 441)

2023 Annual Meeting of TSA

18 Mar. 2023 Poster Presentation The effect of topical treatment with Fespixon cream on chronic burn wound: A case report and literature review

2023 Annual Meeting of TSWC

11 Mar. 2023 Oral Presentation Effect of a Novel Macrophage-Regulating Drug on complicated Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Case reports
(View Abstract: Page 35)

IDF Diabetes Atlas 2022

7 Dec. 2022 Oral Presentation LI2022-0284 Risk Factor Influencing Complete Healing in DFU Patients - Post-Hoc Analysis of a Phase 3 MRCT of Macrophage-Regulation New Drug

CDS 2022

4 Dec. 2022 Oral Presentation Macrophage-regulation drug(ON101) In treating difficult Diabetic Foot Ulcer

51st Annual Meeting

28 Sep. 2022 Poster Presentation Macrophage-regulating Drug Healed a Diabetic foot Ulcer with Gangrene and Osteomyelitis

ADA Annual Meeting 2022

1 Jun. 2022 Poster Presentation 490-P: Macrophage-Regulating Drug Promotes Tissue Proliferation in a DFU Real-World Case

IDF 2021

1 Apr. 2022 Oral Presentation IDF21-0431 A Novel Formulation that Regulates Subsets of Macrophages Accelerates Diabetic Ulcer Healing

WUWHS 2022

2 Mar. 2022 Oral Presentation A New Drug Promotes Wound Healing in Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers by Regulating Macrophages
(View Abstract: Page 5)

EASD Annual Meeting 2021

30 Sep. 2022 Oral Presentation A M1/M2-Macrophages-Regulating New Drug for Diabetic Foot Ulcers with Poor-Controlled HbA1c Risk Factor in an International Phase 3 Study
(View Abstract: 196)

EWMA 2020

18 Nov. 2020 Oral Presentation A Novel Topic Drug Proved Superior Efficacy from Global Ph3 on Diabetic Foot Ulcer


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