2022 Shareholder's Meeting


The results for each proposal of 2022 Shareholders’meeting

Approval Matters
Proposal Vote in Favor Percentage Result
1. Approval of 2021 business report and financial report. 243,315,791 96.69% The proposal was accepted as submitted.
2. Approval of 2021 deficit compensation proposal. 243,372,219 96.71% The proposal was accepted as submitted.


Discussion Matters (1)
Proposal Vote in Favor Percentage Result
1.Amendment to certain clauses of the Company’s “Article of Incorporation”. 240,450,858 95.55% The proposal was accepted as submitted.
2.Amendment to certain clauses of the Company’s “Procedure for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”. 243,375,412 96.71% The proposal was accepted as submitted.
3.Amendment to certain clauses of the Company’s “Rules of Procedure for
Shareholders Meetings”.
240,447,233 95.55% The proposal was accepted as submitted.


Election Matters- By-election of one Director seat at the Company’s 7th term of Board of Directors.
List Vote in Favor
Director: Lin, Yi-Fu 225,175,894


Discussion Matters (2):
Proposal Vote in Favor Percentage Result
1.Lifting of non-competition restrictions for the Company’s new director 241,580,903 96.00% The proposal was accepted as submitted.


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