Daily Care for Diabetics

Diabetes is a chronic invisible killer. The number of people with diabetes is also increased along with the aging society, the refined diet and changes in lifestyle. Diabetes is not only with a symptom of high blood sugar, but also comes along with many complications, so patients with diabetes must not neglect it. Starting with daily health care and maintaining the best state of the body at all times can also delay the diabetes progression and avoid complications.

Diabetics can actively adjust their daily routine in the following directions of diabetic care, so that diabetics can also have an ideal life~


Self-testing and Regular Follow-up

Diabetics must develop the habit of monitoring blood sugar and blood pressure regularly at home, and keep track of their physical condition at all times. The reference value of ideal blood glucose is less than 120 mg/dL before meals; below 140mg/dL 2 hours after meals. In addition, it is necessary to have follow-up medical checks and take medication regularly. It is also recommended that patients do fundus and foot examinations at least once a year and dental examinations every six months to find early possible complications for early treatment.


Right Medication

Diabetics must follow healthcare provider instructions and take medications as prescribed, do not stop or overuse medications without doctor’s instruction. Regularly follow up to understand your physical condition. When you have any doubts or concerns about medication, you can also discuss with the doctor during the follow-up, and the doctor will assist you in adjusting the medication. If you have  travel plans for longer period of time, it is recommended to discuss travel plans with the doctor in advance, and prepare sufficient medicine to ensure there is not any concern about medication when you travel.


Exercise Appropriately

Obesity is a potential risk factor for diabetes, so making exercise a habit, finding an activity you like, doing it moderately, not being excessive, and maintaining a healthy weight are all keys to manage diabetes. In addition, proper exercise has the effect of promoting insulin production and lowering blood pressure. For the choice of physical activities, diabetics are more suitable for aerobic exercise, including: repeated maximum force contraction of major muscle groups, continuous breath faster to keep muscle strength. All exercise routine should include warmup 5 to 10 minutes of low-intensity activity, at least 20 to 60 minutes of duration for 3~4 times a week. Start at a lower intensity, take short breaks, and gradually work up to the highest each week.


Daily Diet

Diet habits high in fat, sugar or refined foods have always been risk factors for diabetes. It is recommended that diabetics eat on time and in moderation, less sugar, fat, cured products, processed and refined foods; Try to choose light foods and take time to understand food composition.  If needed, consult a dietitian to know best food for health.


Other Care

Quitting smoking and drinking less can help reduce diabetes complications risk.






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