Oneness Ranked among Top 5% in the 9th Corporate Governance Evaluation

The results for the 9th Corporate Governance Evaluation has been announced on April 27, 2023. Oneness ranks among Top 5% in the TPEx-listed category and Top 10% of listed companies with a market capital of 10 billion TWD or more in the non-finance and non-electronics industry, recognizing Oneness’s excellent performance and efforts in corporate governance and sustainability.


The Corporate Governance Evaluation, annually organized by Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange, are mainly carried out in 4 major dimensions, including “Protecting shareholder rights and interests; treating shareholders equitably”, “Enhancing board composition and operation”, “Increasing information transparency”, and “Putting corporate sustainability into practice”, to evaluate the performance on corporate governance. According to the organizer's statistics, a total of 734 TPEx-listed companies were evaluated in the 9th Corporate Governance Evaluation. Based on the scores, the Evaluation was divided into seven grades, containing the top 5%, 6% -20%, 21% -35%, etc. It was a privilege for Oneness to be ranked among the top 5%. The details are specified as below:

Oneness Protects Shareholder Rights and Interests and Treats Shareholders Equitably

  • The Chairman of the Board attends every annual general meeting in person and the Directors attending the meeting are listed in the meeting minutes.
  • Oneness abides the regulations and promotes information transparency. The annual general shareholders’ meeting is held by the end of every May. The general shareholders meeting agenda handbook and supplemental meeting materials are uploaded 30 days before the meeting while the annual report is uploaded 18 days before the meeting. The implementation of the resolution made in the previous year is disclosed in the Annual Report.
  • The English shareholders meeting notice is uploaded 30 days prior to the annual general meeting while the English Annual Report is uploaded 16 days prior to the meeting to allow international investors and stakeholders to timely receive the information of the meeting and company operation.
  • No extraordinary motion is approved by general shareholders meeting and no change of the general shareholders meeting agenda 7 days prior to the meeting has occurred.
  • Oneness reports the remuneration received by the directors at the general shareholders meeting, including the remuneration policy, content and amount of individual remuneration. 
  • Oneness has established and published the regulations to prevent the Directors or employees from utilizing information not accessible to the public to make profits. Refer to Oneness “Regulations for Prevention of Insider Trading” for further information.

Oneness Actively Enhances Board Effectiveness

  • The Board meeting is held at least once a quarter. All of the Directors attend the meeting. For more information, click.
  • Independent directors account for 57% of the Board. An independent director can have a maximum of three consecutive tenures.
  • There are three female Directors out of seven. The percentage of independent director is above regulatory requirement.
  • Oneness has succession plan for the Directors and major management team, and is public disclosed on official website. 
  • The diversity policy of the Directors has also been established and the management goals and implementation are disclosed on Oneness website.
  • In addition to the two regulatory-required functional committees (audit committee and compensation committee), Oneness established the risk management committee in 2020 and all the committee members are independent directors. The committee members, responsibilities and operations are also publicly disclosed on the website. For more information, Click.
  • The company's interim financial reports with approval of the audit committee were submitted to the Board for discussion and resolution.
  • Oneness has established Procedure for Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors. Conducts external evaluation for every 3 years and publishes the result on Oneness website.
  • Approved by the Board, Oneness has established Risk Management Policies and Procedure, which disclose the risk management scope, organization and operation. The risk management team reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year. For more information, click.
  • The Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles has been established by Oneness and approved by the Board. In April 2023, Ms. Chen, Hong-Chien , the manager of the Financial Department, was appointed as Corporate Governance Supervisor, and is responsible for corporate governance-related matters. The responsibilities, operation status as well as education and training status are also disclosed as the link
  • ISO 27001 ISMS was established in March 2022 to build the information security risk management system and establish the information security and management policy. For more information, click.
  • The Intellectual Property Management System of Oneness has been certified in accordance with the standard of Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS) in the 4th quarter of 2021. The IP management plan is connected to operation goals and the implementation status is described as the link
  • Oneness builds sound internal control system. There was no penalty by the authorities or deficiencies noted by TPEX in 2022.

Oneness Strengthens Information Transparency

  • The major shareholders’ list is published on Oneness’s website while the information regarding finance, business and corporate governance is disclosed in “Investors”.
  • The “Shareholder Service” webpage is established to publish annual reports, general meeting notices, meeting agenda and meeting minutes.
  • The investor conference is held at least once a quarter. There is “Events & Presentations” webpage on Oneness’s website with Chinese and English version of presentations and videos of the conferences.
  • In the Annual Report, Oneness discloses the R&D projects, the budget, the dividend policy, the performance evaluation and remuneration of managers.
  • In line with international standards, for material information disclosure that required by TWSE regulations, the English version is released simultaneously. Oneness also builds the Investors webpage to disclose the information regarding finance, business and corporate governance. The Financial Report is uploaded 16 days prior to the general annual meeting to allow all international investors timely receive Oneness’s operational and financial information.
  • With no violations in 2022, all information disclosed by Oneness is in accordance with “Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Companies with Listed Securities” and “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Information Reporting by Companies with TPEx Listed Securities”.


Online Corporate Presentation

Material Information

Oneness Focuses on ESG and Practices Corporate Sustainability

  •     Oneness received ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications and is the only new drug biotech company in Taiwan that included in 2022 and 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index.
  • Oneness promotes environmental protection concepts and set up the Environmental Protection webpages, disclosing the GHG emission, water consumption and waste amount in the past 2 years as well as the management policy in evaluating the potential risks and opportunities caused by climate change, and developing strategies in response to climate change issues. For more information, click.
  • Oneness works with the employees to build a sustainable company. The Social Engagement webpage discloses the information of the employee welfare, human rights management, workplace safety, environmental protection, retirement policy and the implementation result.
  • Stakeholders” webpage is set up to disclose the issues concerned by stakeholders, the communication channels and the responsive actions. Through two-way communication channels, we hope to receive feedback from stakeholders in a timely manner. The communication with stakeholders is also reported to the Board on a regular basis.
  • In advance of regulation requirement, Oneness abides by international-adopted GRI standards to voluntarily publish the ESG Report, disclosing the ESG promotion plans and performance in ESG webpage on Oneness website.
  • To control and reduce operational risks, based on Oneness’s “Risk Management Policies and Procedure”, the risk management team conducted risk assessments on environmental, social and governance issues in accordance with the principle of materiality, and publicly discloses the results and responses in Risk Management.
  • To fulfill the commitment of transparency and ethical conduct, HR department is designated as the ethical corporate management unit, responsible for the formulation and supervision of the ethical corporate management policy, and presents an annual report to the Board on the implementation of the current year. Oneness has also published the Whistleblowing Policy for anonymously reporting of illegal (including corruption) and immoral behaviors via emails ( and via mail. The Policy also regulates the handling process, responsible units, and whistleblower protection measures. For more information, please visit Ethical Management at Oneness website.

2022 ESG Report

Date of Publication:  June 2023


Latest ESG Report





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